Hiya everybody! I’m Dr. Jim, and I’m here today to tell you the story of how Kayte finally got over her fears, quit stalking Jim, aka me, and decided to tell Jim that she had a huge crush on him! Doesn’t that sound fun? Yeah! I thought so too.
It all started back in the good ol’ days, back in the spring of 2004. Jim, whom we will from here on know as “Jim,” and Kayte, whom we will from here on know as “Kayte,” were in Wind Ensemble and Orchestra together. Kayte being the incredibly intelligent women with great taste that she is immediately noticed Jim and his hotness. Several months passed without much ado other than Jim saying “hi” to Kayte in the halls from time to time. Kayte’s heart fluttered with each moment spent with Jim. Jim didn’t notice.
The semester ended, and the summer passed. Fall semester started and Kayte was distressed when she realized Jim had wizened up, and did not sign up for orchestra that semester. It took Kayte awhile to get up the courage, and a whole semester passed. Finally in January 2005, thanks to the nagging of Nicole and Vasily, she decided to tell Jim what an amazing man he was, and that she wanted his babies (Fortunately she did not tell Jim the babies part just yet).
Kayte noticed that Jim had signed up for practice time in one of the UCSC music department practice rooms the next day, so she schemed and came up with a plan. She would corner Jim, and force herself upon him! Or, the plan might have been that she was going to ask Jim out. I’ll let you decide which is more truthful.
Jim, unfortunately didn’t get the memo that he should be in said practice room, and decided to skip said practice time. Kayte showed up at the allotted time, but Jim did not. Kayte was disappointed but undaunted! For Jim had another time two days from then that he would be in the same practice room…maybe.
Kayte showed up again at his scheduled practice time, and Jim was there! Hooray! The following dialog is a factual transcription of their conversation.
Scene 1: UCSC practice room, day
Door opens, and Jim turns around to see who in fact opened said door.
Kayte: Uh…Hi Jim.
Jim: Hey Kayte, what’s up?
Kayte: Uh…I just wanted to tell you...tell you that I have a huge crush on you.
Jim sits there looking confused and tries to think of anything to say: Oh!
Time Passes
Kayte: Well…uh…I just thought you should know! I’m going to go practice now. Bye!
Jim sits there looking confused and tries to think of anything to say: Ok!
Kayte: Exit. Stage left (aka the practice room door)
It took Jim about a minute to recover his wits, and make his move. He followed Kayte out the door and into her practice room, and shortly there after asked her out. She said yes, and everything was hunky-dory.
Well, everybody, that was the story of how Jim and Kayte first started going out. I hope you enjoyed it. This is Dr. Jim saying farewell, and as I always say, Don’t let the door hit ya where the Flying Spaghetti Monster split ya. Goodnight.
Oh, man. Funnyness.
Please grab a better pic of "The Sean" where he doesn't look like a frumpy, doped up pirate. Here's an equally-goofy, more flattering photo:
I hopt that link works.
Wasn't there a bit about a phone number being lost in this story?
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